Harry Butler | 07801 462632

James Whike | 07970 756705

About Broadstone Tennis Club

Broadstone Tennis Club is run by James and Harry who have a wealth of tennis experience. They offer various tennis coaching programmes catering for Juniors, Adults and one-to-one sessions

Junior & Adult Tennis Coaching

We offer a wide range of sessions for all ages and abilities 

Holiday Camps

Please see our range of holiday and half term camps 


We now offer a number of different membership packages. Please click here to view them


Find out about our latest news

Box 5

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Box 6

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Box 7

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Contact Us

Who We Are

We are a 4 court outdoor club which provides nothing but great coaching and a fun atmosphere for everybody. Any age, any ability. Our slogan is coaching for success and we will go leaps and bounds to provide that! From ages 3 all the way up to adults we can hopefully provide you to the right tennis path, whether that’s having fun with your friends, trying to improve your tennis game or even coming down to improve your fitness.

Our Facilities

Broadstone Tennis Club facilities include four hard tennis courts, parking and toilet facilities, all you need when attending the various coaching programmes for adults and juniors


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